近日,2016年度美国机械工程师学会(ASME)最高论文奖Melville Medal奖揭晓,上海交大机械与动力工程学院博士生刘显波论文获奖。这是该奖设立100多年来,首篇中国大陆为第一完成单位获奖的论文。
获奖论文题为“State-Dependent Delay Influenced Drill-String Oscillations and Stability Analysis”, 2014年发表在ASME Trans. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics上,由上海交通大学与美国马里兰大学合作完成,上海交通大学为第一完成单位,作者依次为刘显波、N. Vlajic、龙新华、孟光、B. Balachandran。
Melville Medal奖是美国机械工程师学会的最高论文奖,1914年由George W. Melville设立,102年来共有72篇论文146人次获奖。每一到两年,ASME都会在其下属的30多种杂志和数千篇学术论文中(包括已获得ASME其它奖励的论文)进行遴选,评选出最近两年内发表的最具创新性与学术价值的文章。
ASME 网站的 Melville Medal奖简介
The Melville Medal is the highest ASME honor for the best original paper (not published elsewhere) which has been published in the ASME Transactions during the two calendar years immediately preceding the year of the award.
The Melville Medal may be awarded for a paper that has been selected for some other best paper award in the Society. Thus, papers selected for special awards (Blackall, Prime Movers, Gas Turbine or Rail Transportation) or for best paper awards of professional Divisions, Sections or other ASME bodies may be considered for the Melville Medal if specifically recommended by the committee responsible for the award.
First awarded in 1927, the Melville Medal is by the bequest in 1914 of Admiral George W. Melville, Honorary Member and Eighteenth President of the Society.