
日期:2014-03-31 作者:学生工作办公室

本项目每年在中国选派10-15名优秀学生赴以色列理工大学学习,专业为机械工程相关专业,在Technion机械工程学院学习。选派学生首先攻读机械工程理科硕士学位(Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering[1]),根据学校当时招生情况可能继续攻读博士。我们的期望是成绩优秀、具有创新精神、愿意攻读博士的学生。虽然学生先要攻读硕士,但是我们的最终目标是让我们推荐的学生攻读博士。

面向 本科四年级学生,2014年选拔5名同学
有意者请把一份简历(包括GPA,班级排名),GRE 成绩: Quantitative reasoning (85% 或者更高); Analytical writing (至少3.6),个人自述(personal statement)、三封推荐信、英语考试成绩和本科成绩(电子版)发至yellowhaoqibao@163.com。截至日期为2014413

Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Programs
for excellent Chinese Graduate Students
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Technion - Institute of Technology
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Technion is interested in attracting excellent Chinese graduate students for its M.Sc. program with a potential for exceptional students to transfer to the direct Ph.D. program. The language of instruction will be English. Qualified candidates will be fully supported by Chinese resources.
Since the transition to a new country can be challenging, the students will be connected with their M.Sc. academic advisor during the acceptance process. The academic advisor will be a resource person to help the student during the initial adjustment period after arriving at the Technion.
Acceptance Criteria for the M.Sc. program
In order to ensure the excellent quality of the students admitted to this program the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Technion will use the following acceptance criteria:
·        B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from a highly ranked university.
·        Academic achievements (grades and class ranking) of the candidate.
·        Three official recommendation letters from faculty or others qualified to evaluate the candidates potential for graduate study.
·        Required GRE test results: Quantitative reasoning (85% or higher); Analytical writing (at least 3.6).
·        Personal interview: Members of the faculty and potential academic advisors will conduct a personal interview with the student on Skype to assess the student's communication skills in English and the student's research fields of interest.
Additional information for admission of international students can be found at the websites
Details of the M.Sc. program
·        Initially, applicants will be accepted to the program under the category “qualifying students” for one semester during which they will be required to take the course "Analytical Methods I" and another course to be selected by their advisor.
·        Also, during the first semester the academic advisor will work with the student to define a M.Sc. research topic and will provide guidance for the initial stages of the research.
·        Continuation in the M.Sc. program after the first semester will be based on:(a) the student's GPA (>80); and (b) the student’s ability to perform research.
·        The scholarship for the M.Sc. program will support the student for a total of 30 months (6 months of qualifying studies and 24 months of M.Sc. research with additional study of graduate courses).
·        For more information see http://meeng.technion.ac.il/Graduate-Programs
Criteria for acceptance to the direct Ph.D. program
·        Following standard procedures at the Technion (in accordance with regulation 24.07; see http://www.graduate.technion.ac.il/eng/Regulations.html), exceptional M.Sc. students (GPA > 90) who want to continue for Ph.D. studies in the direct Ph.D. program will be evaluated during their third semester of graduate work. Their grades and especially their progress on research will be used as a basis for acceptance into the direct Ph.D. program.




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