IFP-School Master Program宣讲会

日期:2013-10-29 作者:党政合署办公室

时间:11月6日(周三)下午14:00 - 15:30

About IFP School: IFP School is a graduate engineering school located inRueil-Malmaison, France. Founded in 1954, IFP School is part of the IFP Energies Nouvelles, French Institute of Petroleum (IFP), a French public-sector research and training center. Its graduates are extremely sought after in the automotive industry! In general, 98% of the students found jobs before the end of the course.

       IFP(Institute of Petrole France)是一所致力于石油与汽车工程的研究机构,位于浪漫之都巴黎,有着长达50年的悠久历史,在法国石油与汽车工程领域内享誉盛名。

About IFP program:
 Teaching language: English or French
 Pre-requisite: 4 (or 6) full years of tertiary education- Bachelor (or Master)
 Duration: 22 months (or 16) starting in September 2014
 Degree awarded: Master of Sciences degree
 Course type: Sandwich course
 All students are fully sponsored by a company (1400€/month)
 They alternate between periods at the IFP School and placements in the sponsoring company
 The company pays all tuition fees and salary to students for entire duration of training program

       项目培养时间为16、22个月,大约一半时间用于正式授课,另一半时间用于在工业部门实习工作。课程全部由该领域内资深工程师教授,所讲授的都是学科前沿、专业性的知识。 所有学生的学费和生活费大部分都由企业资助,少数是通过获得IFP School 奖学金来资助。通常于秋季学期进行宣讲并接收申请。培养项目结束时将有大约70%的毕业生留在资助企业工作,法国新毕业工程师的工资是按学校的档次划分,ENSPM的新毕业生在入职时的工资等级是在第一序列。



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