
IEID 2020 Intelligent Manufacturing Technology & Industry Forum successfully held by School of Mechanical Engineering
Posted by:     Time:2020-09-20

Sponsored by Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and organized by School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the 2020 International Forum on Innovation and Emerging Industries Development (IEID2020) – Intelligent Manufacturing Technology & Industry Session was successfully held in Shanghai on September 16th. About 200 guests, from CAE, Acatech (National Academy of Science and Engineering), the UK Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), fortune 500 companies in the manufacturing sector, and national key enterprises, attended the conference.

The conference was held in an online + offline hybrid form. The opening speech was given by Zhongqin Lin, President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. Mr. Cuntz from German Scientific Consulate in Shanghai was at presence. Focusing on the theme of Intelligent Manufacturing, 5G+Industrial Internet, AI and Industrial Innovation, guests from SAP, ABB, Bosch, COMAC, Bosch, Siemens, RWTH Aachen University, University of Huddersfield, Fraunhofer Project Center for Smart Manufacturing at Shanghai Jiao Tong University were all invited and made speeches at the conference.

Aiming at in-depth exchanges on major innovations, disruptive technologies and emerging industries development in the field of intelligent manufacturing, the panel discussions concentrated on the common issues such as industrial policy, the role of technological innovation in promoting economic development, and institutional mechanisms for non-profit research institutions and innovation and entrepreneurship incubation.

School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University focus on leading edge in the field of intelligent manufacturing. Since 2015, the School took the lead in establishing an intelligent manufacturing base in Lingang Area, created a new research institution integrating the development of technology research and the transformation of achievements, and gathered multi-level talents at home and abroad. In terms of international cooperation, the School has successively cooperated with Fraunhofer IPA and University of Huddersfield, to establish Fraunhofer Project Center for Smart Manufacturing at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Sino-Anglo Research Center in Advanced Metrology and Quality Assurances, which made a platform for international advanced intelligent manufacturing technology innovation.


Through the Intelligent Manufacturing Technology & Industry Session, experts and scholars around the world shared insights on the frontiers and future directions of emerging industries in the field of intelligent manufacturing, pooling collective wisdom for accelerating the development of emerging industries.

Copyright ©2017 School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai
