
Prof.Ping Cheng Elected as CAS Member
Posted by:     Time:2011-12-09

EXCITING NEWS! Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) officially announced Prof. Cheng Ping from ME-SJTU to be one of the new CAS members 2011.

About Prof. Ping Cheng

Prof. Ping Cheng is presently Honorary Director of Institute of Engineering Thermophysics and Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Prior to his present position, he had served as Chairman of Mechanical Department at University of Hawaii from 1989 to 1994, and Head of Mechanical Engineering Department at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology from 1995 to 2002. He was a visiting professor at Stanford University from 1976 to 1977; visiting professor of Thermodynamics at the Technical University of Munich in 1984; visiting professor at University of Paris VI in 1989; and visiting professor of Mechanical and Production Engineering at Nanyang Technological University in 2002. He is an honorary or adjunct professor at 9 other major universities in China: Tsinghua University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, North-East University, Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion and Southeast University.

He has more than 250 publications, including about 180 SCI journal papers that have been cited over 4500 times according to Science Citation Index (SCI). He has been honored by 4 top international heat transfer awards including 2006 ASME/AIChE Max Jakob Memorial Award (the highest award in the field of heat transfer), 2006 ASME Heat Transfer Classic Paper Award, 2003 AIAA Thermophysics Award, and 1996 ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award. He is an editor of International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, an editor of International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, an Associate Editor of AIAA Journal of Heat Transfer and on editorial boards of 11 heat transfer and energy journals.

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