On Oct 15, 2010, Professor Dennis D. Berkey, President of Worcester Polytechnic Institute(WPI) visited ME-SJTU. Paul J. Piccolomini, vice president global engineering, Tyco International, LI Lian, Senior Director, Talent Acquisition & Leadership Development, Tyco International, Dr Xiaoping Gao, , Director of Asia International Technology Cooperation, Air Product also came to visit the school. Prof. Wenjun Zhang, Vice President of SJTU met with the guests. Prof. Lifeng Xi, Dean of ME-SJTU and Prof. Yingzheng Liu, Vice Dean of ME-SJTU made brief introduction of the school first. Paul J. Piccolomini and Dr. Xiaoping Gao illustrated respectively development of Tyco International and Air Product and expressed their wish to further deepen the cooperation with the school.
President Zhang gave a warm welcome to the visiting guests and expressed his recognition and full confidence in International Capstone Project initiated by Tyco International and joined by students from ME-SJTU, WPI and other American universities.
About International Capstone Project
Shanghai Jiao Tong University and some universities in America, initiated and sponsored by Tyco International, desire to significantly enhance the global awareness of their engineering students to better prepare them to work in the global economy. The student collaboration will mimic the operation of multinational corporate global engineering teams and will be basically a non-travel based activity.
Students will enroll in their respective senior year design project at either SJTU or universities from America. Teams will be formed with students from both universities and will work on a project supplied by an industry sponor. The Global Student Team will be organized to operate in a similar fashion as corporate global engineering teams. Students from both universities will operate their respective design courses in their current form with the project tasking providing the mechanism for the students to act as a cohesive global project team. The critical cohesive element between the global student teams will be the interaction with the industry project sponsor. As such careful project selection and tasking will have to be considered to facilitate the separate yet integrated student activity.
Constant communication will occur between the student teams (i.e., email, weekly video and teleconferences) to develop an engineered solution to the industry project. At major milestones, web video conferences will be held with the industry sponsors/mentors. A separate yet integrated student reporting scheme will be used. Separate documents will be prepared by team members from both countries to enable evaluation using each university's standards and marking scale. For cohesive reporting to the project sponsors, the students will jointly prepare an overall integrated bilingual summary followed by the separate university reports.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai