In order to improve students' environmental awarenesses and stress the significance of sustainable development of China, SIEMENS launched "Dream Green" Campus Program in March 2010. "Next Solar" from Shanghai Jiaotong University won the "Award of Excellence"
In about three months after the launch, more than 90 teams from around 50 universities and colleges all across China submitted proposals on a wide array of "green" topics covering energy efficiency and renewable energy. Amongst them three teams were nominated the "Award of Excellence" for their innovative ideas to increase energy efficiency and the potential to turn the concept into business applications.The three teams are: "Low Carbon Pioneer" from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, "Next Solar" from Shanghai Jiaotong University, "GreenSky", a joint team from Shanghai Jiaotong University and Fudan University.
"Next Solar" from Shanghai Jiaotong University is made up of two postgraduates from School of Mechanical Engineering and one postgraduate from School of Materials Science and Engineering. Their proposal on PCM Storage for Use in Solar Heat for Industrial Processes was recognized by Dr. HAO Ruiqiang, CEO of SIEMENS China. They are honored the chance to participate in a three-month internship in the world-class laboratory of Corporate Technology at Siemens Headquarters in Germany where they will embark on the first step to make their "green dreams" to become true by working with Siemens scientists and practicing their research proposals.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai