
Lecture of Prof. Chung K. Law
Posted by:     Time:2023-08-22

Time: (1) 14:00, Tuesday, August.22, 2023 (2) 09:00, Wednesday, August.23, 2023
Place: F310, School of Mechanical Engineering
Speaker: Prof. Chung K. Law(Princeton University and Tsinghua University)
Host: QI Fei, Professor, XIA Xi, Assoc.Professor (Institute of Aerospace Propulsion)

Professor Chung K. Law is the Robert H. Goddard Professor at Princeton University and the founding director of the Center for Combustion Energy at Tsinghua University. His research interests are in combustion, propulsion, heat and mass transfer, energy, alternative fuels, and the environment. He has published over 600 journal papers with a current Google h-index of 121, and has received a number of honorific professional awards. He is a former president of the Combustion Institute; a member of the US National Academy of Engineering; a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the American Physical Society, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Combustion Institute.

Title: On Rational Interpretation of Some Combustion Phenomena: Comparing Apples to Apples
This seminar focuses on the basic models of vehicle dynamics. First, we summarize the fundamentals of nonholonomic mechanical systems. We derive the kinematic constraint of the rolling wheel. The linear stability of the shopping trolley, the towed wheel and the skateboard is investigated. The basic single-track vehicle model (the so-called kinematic bicycle model) is introduced. After that, the simplest tire models are applied in the dynamic single-track model. Lateral stability and handling of the vehicle are analyzed. Longitudinal and lateral dynamics of automated vehicles are investigated when automated cruise control and lane-keeping control are applied, and feedback delay is considered.

Title: On Kinetics and Limits of Explosions
The presentation reviews recent theoretical development on the incipient ignition induced by radical runaway in systems controlled by complex chemistry. Employing eigenvalue analysis backed by computation, we obtained explicit expressions and criteria that well reproduce the characteristic Z-shaped response in the pressure-temperature plot. Subsequently, we evaluated the role of hydrogen addition on the explosion limits of mixtures of hydrogen with either carbon monoxide or methane. Then, the general situation of the explosion limits of hydrogen versus the C1-to-C3 alkanes was studied. It is concluded that the change-over, pivot, state distinguishing the opposite effects of hydrogen addition in alkane mixtures in causing explosion is the upper turning point of the Z-curve.

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