Title:Multibody Dynamics and Model-based Control: From Cars to Humans
Time:14:00 to 15:00,Friday, Aug 17, 2018
Place:F210, School of Mechanical Engineering
Speaker:Prof. John McPhee, Canada Research Chair, Systems Design Engineering, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Host:Wang Hao, Professor; Chen Genliang, Associate Professor(Institute of Automotive Engineering)
In the Motion Research Group at the University of Waterloo (, we investigate the dynamics, model-based control, and design optimization of multibody systems. Deriving the equations for these complex biomechatronic systems is tedious and error-prone, so we have automated the dynamic modelling process by combining linear graph theory from mathematics with fundamental principles from physics and biology. Our symbolic computer implementation, now part of MapleSim™, will generate real-time simulation code and dynamic controllers for systems ranging from biomechatronic devices to autonomous vehicles.
In this talk, I will discuss some advantages of a symbolic approach to multi-domain multibody systems modelling and control, and highlight these advantages through a large number of real-world applications that include an autonomous car, a plug-in Prius for Toyota, golfing and cycling, and a stroke rehabilitation robot that uses a multibody dynamics model of the patient’s musculoskeletal system and robot to determine optimal control actions. Both modelling and experimental results will be presented to show the real-world performance of the model-based designs and controllers. Future applications to predictive simulations of humans, autonomous vehicles, and biomechatronic assistive devices will be discussed.
Professor John McPhee is the Canada Research Chair in System Dynamics at the University of Waterloo, Canada, which he joined in 1992. Prior to that, he held fellowships at Queen’s University, Canada, and the Université de Liège, Belgium.
Prof. McPhee pioneered the use of linear graph theory and symbolic computing to create real-time models and controllers for multi-domain dynamic systems, with applications ranging from autonomous vehicles to rehabilitation robots. His research algorithms are a core component of the MapleSim modelling software, which is used by thousands of engineers worldwide. His research partners include Toyota, Maplesoft, Intellijoint Surgical, the Canadian Space Agency, Cycling Canada, Magna, Ping Golf, and the Canadian Sports Institute.
Prof. McPhee is the past Chair of the International Association for Multibody System Dynamics, a co-founder of 2 journals and 3 international technical committees, and an Associate Editor for 6 leading journals in his field. He has had the pleasure of supervising 88 outstanding graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
Prof. McPhee is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Engineering Institute of Canada, and the Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers. He has won 5 Best Paper Awards and, in 2014, he received the prestigious NSERC Synergy Award from the Governor-General of Canada.
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