
Lecture of Prof. Rajiv Shivpuri
Posted by:     Time:2018-07-09

Title:Modeling and characterization at multiple scales in machining
Time:14:00 to 16:00, Jul 9, 2018
Place:A701, School of Mechanical Engineering
Host:Zhang Xueping, Associate Professor(Institute of Manufacturing Technology and Equipment Automation)


Dr. Shivpuri has been a faculty at OSU since 1986. At OSU, Dr. Shivpuri has won the 1997 Harrison Faculty Award for Excellence in Engineering Education and several Lumley Research Awards. Dr. Shivpuri has advised over 100 master theses and doctoral dissertations, and published over 300 research articles in refereed publications. Dr. Shivpuri is elected fellow of ASM International, ASME, CIRP (International Academy for Production Engineering) and SME. Dr. Shivpuri was the 2001 President of NAMRI (North American Manufacturing Research Institute). He is a Magnet Professor with the FIA (Forging Industry Education and Research Foundation), and is active in professional and trade associations such as AIST (Association of Iron and Steel Technology), ITA (International Titanium Association), NADCA (North American Die Casting Association).

Research Areas (selected examples)

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