Title:Low Order Modelling Methodology for Turbochargers in Internal Combustion Engine
Speaker:Dr. Srithar Rajoo
Time:09:00 to 10:30, Thursday, Nov 2, 2017
Place:F301,School of Mechanical Engineering
Host: Yang Mingyang, Professor
Dr. Rajoo is an Associate Professor at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). He is the Director of a Low Carbone Transport Research Centre which works closely with Imperial College London and major turbocharger industry leaders on technology development, assessments and publications. His research interest is in the areas of turbocharging/supercharging, internal combustion engines and waste heat recovery – with specific focus on low carbon technologies for transport applications. Dr. Rajoo has been active in turbocharger research for the past 15 years and has published extensively in this area.
The transport landscape is changing rapidly, especially in the recent years, where conventional internal combustion engines have been facing its biggest threat ever from full electric powertrain. Full electric powertrain will have bigger share of the whole transport matrix than it is today although it could not dominate the world in foreseeable future when considering the full life cycle analysis, infrastructural requirements and so on. Thus, conventional internal combustion engines as we know today have to evolve to catch up with the demand and necessities for a clean and healthy living. The general consensus is internal combustion engines have to become smaller, more fuel efficient, more environmental friendly, and yet still delivers the required driving demands. Turbocharging will be one of the key enablers to achieve these tough demands, and soon rather than later it will be an integral part of an engine. Thus, computational capability to predict turbocharger performance and the consequent engine matching will need to improve and yet be adequately simple for fast changing industrial applications. This lecture will describe the progressive development of low order models for turbocharger that is capable to capture steady and unsteady performance across different geometries.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai