
Lecture of Prof. Dr. Eva Gutheil
Posted by:     Time:2017-06-19

Title: Modeling of Dilute Spray Combustion: Interaction of Evaporation, Turbulence and Chemical Reactions

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Eva Gutheil, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR)  Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

Time: 10:00 to 11:00,Jun 19, 2017
Place: F210, School of Mechanical Engineering
Host: Xu Min, Professor



The presentation concerns the modeling and simulation of dilute spray combustion where special emphasis is the interaction of evaporation, turbulence and chemical reactions. In spray flame modeling, most often the influence of the evaporation process of the liquid spray is neglected in the models for detailed chemical reactions, which are required to study the process and reduction of pollutant emissions. However, in some regimes of the spray flame, evaporation dominates the process and chemical reactions may occur in these regimes, which necessitate the study of simultaneous evaporation and chemistry in the dilute flame regime. Moreover, the turbulence strongly affects mixing process as well as the chemical reactions with their exponential temperature dependence, so that special emphasis of the interactions of evaporation, turbulence and chemical reactions is required. In particular, a novel spray flamelet model is presented that accounts for all regimes that occur in turbulent spray flames including non-premixed and premixed combustion. This approach is coupled with a transported joint probability density function for dominating parameters that govern spray combustion. The models are validated with experimental studies of turbulent free jet burners mostly of the Sydney spray flame burner operated in the group of A. Masri, Sydney, Australia.

2015-present Elected President of ILASS International (Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems); 2013-present Member of the International Advisory Board of the Combustion Engine Research Center (CERC), Chalmers University, Gotebourg, Sweden; 2009-present Founding Member of SPP 1423 "Prozess-Spray" of German Research Foundation (DFG); 1998-present Professor, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) and Faculty of Chemistry, Heidelberg University; 1996-1998 Researcher, Institute for Physical Chemistry of Combustion, German Aerospace Center (DLR) Stuttgart;  1995-1996 Researcher, Institute for Technical Combustion, Department of Thermal Sciences, Stuttgart University; 1993-1994 Research Fellow of the German Research Foundation (DFG), Visiting Scholar at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA; 1990-1992 Researcher, Institute for Technical Combustion, Department of Thermal Sciences, Stuttgart University; 1989 Research Fellow of DFG, Visiting Scholar at the Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, UC San Diego, CA, USA; 1983-1988 Scientific Employee and Ph.D. Student, Department of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, TU Darmstadt.

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