Title: Dynamics of Premixed Flames in Unsteady Flow Fields
Time: 8:30 to 9:30, Monday, Sep. 17, 2018
Place: Zhenhua Conference Hall, School of Mechanical Engineering
Host: QI Fei, Professo (Institute of Internal Combustion Engine)
Dr. Tim Lieuwen is the David S. Lewis, Jr. Professor and the Executive Director of the Strategic Energy Institute at Georgia Tech. In this capacity, he manages Georgia Tech’s overall strategy and external relations for its $120M/year energy portfolio. He is also founder and CTO of TurbineLogic, an analytics firm working in the energy industry. Prof. Lieuwen is an international authority on clean energy. He has authored 4 books, over 350 other publications, and his work has been cited 10,000 times. Board positions include appointment by the DOE Secretary to the National Petroleum Counsel, board of governors of Oak Ridge National Lab, and board member of the ASME International Gas Turbine Institute and The Combustion Institute. He is an elected member of the National Academy of Engineering, a fellow of ASME and AIAA, and recipient of the AIAA Lawrence Sperry Award, ASME’s George Westinghouse Gold Medal, NSF CAREER award, and various best paper awards.
The operational limits of modern power generation and propulsion devices are strongly influenced by the combustor. For example, combustion instabilities have emerged as one of the leading challenges associated with low emissions combustion technologies. A key fundamental issue associated with these instabilities is understanding the manner in which flames respond to flow disturbances. This talk will describe the key processes controlling the flame response - flame anchoring, excitation of wrinkles by flow oscillations, “memory” effects associated with convection of wrinkles upon the flame, and nonlinear effects due to kinematic restoration.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai