Title: Investigations of Flame Characteristics of Ammonia Combustion and Developments of Laser Diagnostics for High Pressure Flames
Time: 10:00 to 11:30, Sep. 25, 2018
Place: F310, School of Mechanical Engineering
Host: GAO Yi, Associate Professor (Institute of Internal Combustion Engine)
Akihiro Hayakawa received his PhD in March 2013 from Kyushu University, Japan, under the supervision of Prof. Toshiaki Kitagawa. He joined the High Speed Reacting Flow laboratory (Prof. Hideaki Kobayashi's group), Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, Japan, from April 2013 as an assistant professor. His research interests are ammonia combustion, turbulent combustion at high pressure, spherically expanding turbulent flame, and laser diagnostics for rocket motor. From April 2015 to March 2016, he was a visiting researcher of Prof. Simone Hochgreb's group at University of Cambridge, UK.
This talk mainly contains two topics. The first one is ammonia combustion. Recently, ammonia is expected not only as hydrogen energy carrier but also as carbon-free fuel. In order to apply ammonia as for the fuel, there are some challenges, i.e., low combustion intensity, NOx emission, need to be solved. In this talk, recent knowledge about fundamental ammonia flame characteristics will be introduced. Also, the challenges for simultaneous reductions of NO and ammonia will be introduced. Another part is about laser diagnostics for rocket motor. Since the orders of temperature and pressure in a rocket motor are about 3000 K and 10 MPa, respectively, it is difficult to understand the flame using conventional technique, such as OH-PLIF with OH (1,0) band excitation. Laser Induced Thermal Grating Spectroscopy (LITGS) is a potential diagnostic for quantitative measurement of temperature of the flame in high pressure environment. In this talk, examples of temperature measurement using LITGS to high pressure oxygen enriched flames will be introduced.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai