Title: Development of Physically Proved Models of Combustion in Samara University
Time: 10:00 to 11:30, Oct. 19, 2018
Place: F310, School of Mechanical Engineering
Host: DR. LIU Xunchen (Institute of Internal Combustion Engine)
Professor Valeriy Azyazov is the leading scientist at Department of Physics of Samara National Research University (Samara University). He is also the Leading Researcher at the Department of Chemical & Electric Discharge Lasers of Samara Branch of P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences. Professor Azyazov is the visiting Scientist, Chemistry Department of Emory University (Atlanta, USA) and the Chemistry Department of University of Hawai'i (Honolulu, USA). Professor Azyazov received M.S. of Physics from Samara State University with great distinction, PhD of Laser Physics at P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute in Moscow, and Doctoral of Science of laser physics at the Samara State University. His research interest includes kinetics of chemical and energy-exchange processes, gas-dynamic studies, and combustion chemistry.
Power-producing units on fossil fuels, are the main contributors to the total share of harmful emissions (HE - CO, NOx, PAH, soot, etc.) into the atmosphere. International standards on HE emissions are constantly being tightened and to ensure the competitiveness of producers of it is needed to develop new environmentally clean and energy-efficient combustion technologies that meet environmental standards by a wide margin. Breakthrough combustion technologies of air-fuel mixtures can be found on the basis of new knowledge about the detailed mechanisms of elementary atomic and molecular processes involved in the formation and destruction of HE, in initiation and sustainment of burning in the combustion chambers. Initiation and sustainment of combustion and HE formation in hydrocarbon flames occur as a result of numerous reactions between a large variety of molecules, radicals and intermediates. Absence of the rate constants measured or computed from the first principles for the vast majority of these reactions, significantly impair development of the reliable combustion kinetic models. Recently, a number of methods for measurement of rate constants of fast processes were developed employing pulsed laser technique. Recent advances in development of methods of statistical physics allow finding the temperature- and pressure-dependent rate constants with "kinetic accuracy" i.e. within a factor of 2 or better, providing the energetics and partition functions of the reaction intermediates and transition states as well as collision parameters are evaluated accurately from the first principles. New experimental and computational tools are employed in the Combustion Physics and Chemistry Lab of Samara University to obtain reliable rate constants for different mechanisms of flame initiation and sustainment and for HE formation. The obtained kinetic data allow one to develop combustion kinetic models which will be the basis for the creation of new environmentally clean and energy-efficient combustion technologies.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai