
Indoor Environment - Hygiene, health and life quality - Guidelines and Recommendations
Posted by:Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics     Time:2015-04-29

Title:Indoor Environment - Hygiene, health and life quality - Guidelines and Recommendations
Time:14:00 PM, April 28th
Speaker:Professor Vojislav Novakovic, PhD

We build our buildings first of all to protect ourselves and our private property against the external climate like rain, snow, wind, sun etc. and from disturbances of other peoples. In addition, we expect our buildings to create good and safe conditions for all our indoor activities. In residential buildings, these are e.g. preparing food, eating, taking care of personal hygiene, sleeping, doing hobbies, etc. In commercial, industrial or service buildings people is working, or receiving various types of services.

Demands that we expect our buildings to fulfill are to provide a healthy and comfortable indoor environment, to be economical regarding investments and operational expenses and to be reliable and safe without negative impacts on the outdoor environment. It is not always easy to balance between these requirements. In recent years, there is an increasing suspicion that our buildings are not always as healthy as would be desired. The challenge is very difficult to pinpoint clearly and indisputably, what item in the indoor environment may be unhealthy. However, indices are abundant. On the other hand, we have enough knowledge and information to achieve good indoor environment without incurring excessive cost or employing practices that are beyond current capabilities of building professionals.  
Sir Winston Churchill stated once “First we shape our buildings, and then they shape us.”
    The presentation will have following outline:
    • Definition of indoor environment
    • Indoor environment and health
    • Cost of pure indoor environment
    • Thermal comfort
    • Indoor air quality
    • Relative air humidity

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