Time:13:30 - 15:00, Jan 5th
Place:8th floor, Information Building, Minhang campus
Reporter:Stephen Wolfram, CEO of Wolfram Research,
Chief designer of Mathematica and the Wolfram| Alpha computational knowledge engine
Host:JIANG Zhibin professor
Stephen Wolfram will discuss and demonstrate his broad vision for the future of computation and knowledge. Building on his work over more than 30 years in both technology and basic science, he will show how the new knowledge-based Wolfram Language works, and how it dramatically increases the level and automation of programming and computation. He will discuss many current technology directions, including new approaches to cloud computing, internet of things, data science, artificial intelligence and technical education, as well as describing some of the foundational basic science he has done, and how it relates to technology. Expect many technology demos, a range of deep ideas, and first-hand insight into the work of one of today's great innovators.
Stephen Wolfram is a distinguished scientist, technologist and entrepreneur. He has devoted his career to the development and application of computational thinking.
His Mathematica software system launched in 1988 has been central to technical research and education for more than a generation. His work on basic science---summarized in his bestselling book A New Kind of Science---has defined a major new intellectual direction, with applications across the sciences, technology and the arts. In 2009 Wolfram built on his earlier work to launch Wolfram| Alpha to make as much of the world’s knowledge as possible computable---and accessible on the web and in intelligent assistants like Apple’s Siri.
In 2014, as a culmination of more than 30 years of work, Wolfram began to roll out the Wolfram Language, which dramatically raises the level of automation and built-in knowledge available in a programming language, and makes possible a new generation of readily deployed computational applications.
Stephen Wolfram has been the CEO of Wolfram Research since its founding in 1987. He was educated at Eton, Oxford and Caltech, receiving his PhD in theoretical physics at the age of 20. This is his first visit to China.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai