Speaker:Prof Bassam Dally
Time:9:30-11:00,July 10th
Place:F203, School of Mechanical Engineering
Australia has an abundance of energy resources and is a net exporter of energy. Fossil fuels have been used extensively for power generation, mineral processing and transport, while renewable energy sources played a minor role in the energy mix. Public pressure, mostly fueled by the need to act on climate change, forced the government to set a Renewable Energy Target, RET, to ~20% by 2020 (33,500 GWh) and that encouraged the substantial increase in the production of renewable energy in Australia. In this talk the available mix of energy resources in Australia is presented along with the impediments for utilization including technology, transport and supply-demand matching. The talk will also cover the Centre’s approach to energy development with a focus on specific research programs. This will include MILD combustion, solar combustion hybrid and tidal waves energy.
Prof Bassam Dally is the acting director for the Centre for Energy Technology at the University of Adelaide, Australia. He has more than 20-year experience in research into thermo-fluids science including combustion, aerodynamics, heat transfer and energy. He is credited with developing and applying advanced laser diagnostics techniques to turbulent reacting flows, contributing to the understanding of MILD combustion and co-inventing the solar hybrid combustion receiver. He has attracted more than $20 million in funding and has published more than 100 journal and 150 conference peer reviewed papers. He has many international collaborators and has been an editor of few publications. He is vice-president of the Australian Combustion Institute and the colloquium coordinator of stationary combustion for the last two international combustion symposia.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai