
Simultaneous PIV measurement of flow around a moving body
Posted by:     Time:2013-10-21

Topic: Simultaneous PIV measurement of flow around a moving body

Speaker: Hyung Jin Sung, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST

Time:  10:15—11:15 AM, 21 Oct., 2013

Venue:  F201, ME Building

2D and 3D PIV (particle image velocimetry) image processing methods for measuring flow velocities around an arbitrarily moving body are presented. The 2D image processing technique uses a contour-texture analysis based on user-defined textons to determine the arbitrarily moving interface in the particle images. The 3D image processing technique uses a tomographic PIV and 3D surface reconstruction algorithms. Multiplicative line-of-sight (MLOS) estimation and simultaneous multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique (SMART) reconstruction algorithms are applied to reconstruct the particle voxel intensity for flow measurement. Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) and DAISY descriptors are used to match the surface patterns in multiple images for reconstruction of 3D shape of the moving object. Quantitative evaluations of these methods are performed by applying them to computer-generated images and actual PIV measurements.

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