
[lecture]Fundamental Flame/Turbulence Interactions of Premixed Combustion
Posted by:Institute of Turbomachinery     Time:2015-07-17

    Title:Fundamental Flame/Turbulence Interactions of Premixed Combustion

    Speaker:Dr. Robert K Cheng,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

    Inviter:Ge Bing, Institute of Turbomachinery     

    Palace:  C234, school of mechanical engineering

    Seminar 1: Fundamental physical concept of flame/turbulence interaction
             10:00-11:30, Friday ,July 17th
    Seminar 2: Methods to quantify the effects of turbulence on enhancing the heat release rate
              10:00-11:30, Thursday, July 23th 

    Turbulent premixed combustion is the fundamental process employed to reduce pollutant emissions from most combustion systems for transportation, heat production and power generation. Research and development of these systems require the understanding of basic flame/turbulence interactions so to develop robust combustion models for applications to computer aided designs. 
The first seminar focuses on the flame classification concept which is the guide principle for modeling developing since the 1970's. Investigations on verifying the regimes of premixed turbulent combustion and modification of the regimes will be presented and discussed. 
The subject of the second seminar is on the four definitions of the turbulent flame speed which has been used broadly as a surrogate for the heat release rate of the turbulent flames. The differences in the physical meaning of the various turbulent flame speeds and the measurement methods will be discussed.


    Dr. Robert K. Cheng is the leader of the Combustion Technologies Group in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He received a B. S. (1972), a M. S. (1974), and a Ph. D. (1977) all from the Mechanical Engineering Dept. of the Univ. of California at Berkeley. 

    Dr. Cheng joined LBNL in 1977 and built an experimental research group on fundamental combustion fluid mechanics. He is a leading expert the fundamental processes of lean premixed turbulent flames. He has published over seventy archival papers on turbulent flames and their control. His discoveries of novel burners earned three patents and a R&D 100 Award in 2007. One of the technologies has been commercialized for industrial heating and is being developed for gas turbines of 80 KW to 200 MW for electricity generation. Currently, Dr. Cheng is studying the effects of blended gaseous fuels for the development of ultra-low emissions fuel flexible combustion systems that operate on renewable fuels and syngas.

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