Title:Turbomachinery Nonlinear Rotordynamics & Bearing System: Fundamentals, Modeling and Experimental aspects. Application on High Speed Turbochargers
Time:9:00-11:00, Sep 11th
Place:F307, School of Mechanical Engineering
Speaker:Kostandin Gjika, PhD,Senior fellow in Honeywell turbo technologies
Host:DENG Kangyao professor
Research Field:Rotordynamics, bearing systems, balancing and vibraion control
Kostandin is acknowledged as a world leading specialist in rotordynamics, bearing systems, balancing and vibration control. In his nineteen years at Honeywell, he has led the company’s research and development programs in bearing systems – in his view the technology at the heart of the turbocharger. He is fully involved in the knowledge transfer and people development across five Honeywell R&D facilities in Shanghai (China), Bangalore (India), Brno (Czech Republic), Thaon-les-Vosges (France) and Torrance (USA).
He holds a Ph.D in Vibration Control/Structural Nonlinear Dynamics - Very Honorable with Congratulations, French MEGA Ph.D School; holds a Ph.D in Rotordynamics, Tirana Polytechnic University; he is a Graduate Mechanical Engineer, Tirana Polytechnic University and has a Master in Mathematics from Tirana University.
His expertise in his field has taken him to countries across the world where he has worked on research focusing on a wide range of industrial applications. His many research projects have contributed to numerous technical papers in reputable journals and international conferences, books, patents and he is also much in demand as a university lecturer. Kostandin is mentoring many Honeywell high talented engineers and continues to serve as a professor at the Henry Poincaré University, Nancy, France.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai