
Robotics research in the ICCE WUT and recent advances in mobile robotics
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Topic: Robotics research in the ICCE WUT and recent advances in mobile robotics
Speaker: Wojciech Szynkiewicz
Inviter: Prof. Gaofeng
Time: September 18th, 14:00 - 16:00
Venus: F307


The lecture will be divided into two parts. In the first part the robotics research
conducted in the Institute of Control and Computation Engineering of Warsaw University of Technology will presented. Research is concerned with robot motion planning and control systems, autonomous mobile robot localization and navigation, robot programming methods, computer vision systems. Special emphasis is given to the sensor-based motion planning and control of the single and multiple articulated or mobile robots. All of this research is centered around service robots, i.e. two-handed devices using visual servoing, force control, and speech recognition to fulfill tasks that humans usually execute.In the second part of the lecture recent advances in mobile robotics will be discussed. This part of the lecture will be illustrated with numerous videos presenting various mobile robots.

Introduction of speaker:

Wojciech Szynkiewicz received: M.Sc. degree in control and robotics in 1985, Ph.D. degreein robotics in 1996, both from Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw, Poland. He is an associate professor in the Institute of Control and Computation Engineering. From 1999 to 2003 he was the Deputy Director and Secretary to the Scientific Council of the Research Center for Automation and Information-Decision Technology–CATID.He was a visiting scholar at Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistematica e Telematica, University of Genova in Italy, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany,Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby and Laboratoire d’Automatique Ecole Centrale Nantes, France. His current research activities concentrate on robot grasping and manipulation, multirobot/ multi-agent systems, motion planning, autonomous mobile robots, robot controller structures, and real-time and distributed systems. He works on sensor-based motion planning and control algorithms for multi-robot systems, including service, personal and mobile robots. He is also interested in artificial intelligence issues in robotics. He is the author/coauthor of above 70 publications (in proceedings of conferences, journals and books) concerned with the above mentioned research subjects. He is lecturing: Introduction to Robotics, Mobile Robots, Intelligent Robotic Systems, Programming and Real-time Systems.

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