
Integrated Computational Materials & Manufacturing Engineering (ICM2E)
Posted by:     Time:2011-11-28

Topic: Integrated Computational Materials & Manufacturing Engineering (ICM2E)
Speaker: Matthew J. Zaluzec, Senior Technical Leader at Ford Motor Company's Research and Innovation Center.
Time: 9:30 a.m ,September 30,2011
Venus: F210
As the automotive industry strives to deliver improved fuel economy, best in class quality, and long term reliability, the application of "Integrated Computational Materials and Manufacturing Engineering" (ICM2E) is a power suite of tools that deliver advanced lightweight materials and low cost processes.  By accurately controlling the chemistry of materials, optimizing the manufacturing process parameters, and through the use of first principle modeling, existing steel, aluminum and magnesium material systems are delivering cost savings and performance to meet the needs of our eco-boost engines and light weight body structures.   This lecture will give an overview of how computational disciplines are combining materials science, manufacturing process control, and advanced CAE modeling to deliver optimized automotive components.  Examples of ICM2E and its application in developing durable aluminum block engines, precision transmissions gears, and lightweight magnesium materials for future automotive applications will be reviewed and discussed.

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