Time:15:30-18:00 PM, Dec 4th
Place:F207, School of Mechanical Engineering
Speaker:Liu Bingbing; Wu Xiaojun
Host:ZHANG Dingguo Associate Professor
Dr. Liu Bingbing is currently Lab Head (Localization) of Singapore A*STAR, I2R's Autonomous Vehicle Department, a public sector research and development agency. He is a R&D professional with 14 years of experience in the research areas of Mobile robots and Autonomous vehicles, and is currently responsible for the research, development and management of mapping, localization and point cloud perception technologies of I2R's autonomous vehicle development. Recently, with all these technologies successfully enabled on I2R's autonomous vehicle, the vehicle has been demonstrated to the Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Hsien Loong, and two more ministers, Mr. S Iswaran and Dr. Vivian Balskrishnan and received their appraisals and highly positive comments, as seen in these links, and
Dr. Liu Bingbing was previously a Research Scientist and also Senior Research Fellow for A*STAR I2R and DSI, which included responsibilities for research and development of humanoid mobile robotic system, mapping and localization systems for different mobile robots etc. He has been a PI and Co-PI for a combined total number of millions of S$ of project funding for so far.
Dr. Liu Bingbing has published 30+ peer-reviewed scientific research papers in the fields of autonomous vehicle and mobile robots, and has given 10+ invited scientific talks and seminars.
He is an IEEE member and has served as an associated editor, session chair, or program committee members for some international robotics conferences, e.g. ICARCV 2010-2016, CIS_RAM 2011-2013, ICSR 2013-2014 etc. He has won many awards including finalist paper awards for top robotics conference IROS 2004 and AIM 2015.
Dr. Wu Xiaojun is currently a Research Scientist at Autonomous Vehicle Department, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore, a public sector agency that spearheads economic oriented research and develop innovative technology. He is a R&D professional with 10+ years of experience in the research areas of Mobile robots and Autonomous vehicles, and is currently the Lab Head (Navigation) in charge of the R&D for digital map, decision making, motion planning and vehicle control under I2R Autonomous Vehicle department. Before joining I2R, he was previously a Research Scientist at Data Storage Institute (DSI), A*STAR, as Co-Principle Investigator for A*STAR Social Robotics Programme, which built the 1st receptionist robot of Singapore. Before joining A*STAR, he has also served three years in industry as automation engineer. Dr. Wu Xiaojun has published 20+ peer-reviewed scientific research papers in the fields of autonomous vehicle and mobile robots.
Recently, the I2R autonomous vehicle has been successfully demonstrated to various honoured guests, including Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Hsien Loong, Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr. S. Iswaran, and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Vivian Balskrishnan etc., and also received from them lots of appraises and encouragement.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai