
Lecture of Pro. Jacopo Buongiorno
Posted by:School of Nuclear Science and Engineering     Time:2016-01-16

Speaker:Jacopo Buongiorno, Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Title:Uncovering the Secrets of Boiling Heat Transfer with Advanced Diagnostics and Nano-engineered Surfaces
Time:09:30-11:30 AM, Jan 16 th  
Place: F310, School of Mechanical Engineering
Host:Pro. CHENG Xu


Jacopo Buongiorno 

Professor and Associate Department Head of Nuclear Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His teaching at MIT won several awards, including, recently, the MacVicar Faculty Award (MIT, 2014), and Landis Young Member Engineering Achievement Award (American Nuclear Society, 2011). He  is the Director of the Center for Advanced Energy Systems (CANES); Co-Director of the Reactor Technology Course for Nuclear Utility Executives, which is offered jointly by MIT and the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO); and a consultant for the nuclear industry (e.g. AREVA, DCNS, B&W, Westinghouse, South Texas Project) in the area of reactor thermal hydraulics. He served on the ANS Special Committee on Fukushima, and is on the Accrediting Board of INPO’s National Academy of Nuclear Training (NANT). He is a member of the American Nuclear Society (ANS), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and the Defense Science Study Group (DSSG).

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