
[lecture]Aeroacoustic measurements in wind tunnels
Posted by:Institute of Vibration, Shock and Noise     Time:2016-03-06

    Title:Aeroacoustic measurements in wind tunnels

    Time:10:00 AM, March 6th 

    Place:F210,School of Mechanical Engineering

    Speaker:Professor Con Doolan, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UNSW Australia, Sydney

    Host:Pro.JIANG Weikang

  Professor Con Doolan obtained his PhD from the University of Queensland. He joined the University of New South Wales in 2015 and leads the Flow and Noise research group specializing in experimental and numerical investigations of flow induced noise/aeroacoustics from jets, aircraft, submarines and wind turbines. He has authored and co-authored more than 200 journal and conference papers. 
  Aeroacoustic testing in wind tunnels is important because it provides data under controlled conditions, necessary for scientific understanding, model validation and design development.  Obtaining acoustic data in wind tunnels is challenging, especially when trying to study broadband noise sources that may only be a few dB above the background noise level.  This presentation will give an overview of aeroacoustic testing in wind tunnels and focus on array measurements, using both conventional methods and a new time reversal technique.  Results the Flow and Noise group at UNSW will illustrate their application and will include three-dimensional beamforming, rotating blade beamforming and time reversal with super-resolution.

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