
Research Center for Future Science and Technology and Priority Research on “Materials Science for Ne
Posted by:Institute of Vibration, Shock and Noise     Time:2016-03-14

    Title:Research Center for Future Science and Technology and Priority Research on “Materials Science for Next-Generation Energy” at Nagasaki University

    Time:3:00 PM, March 14th 

    Place:2nd floor, Energy Building,School of Mechanical Engineering

    Speaker:Prof. Isamu Moriguchi,  Nagasaki University, Japan   

    Host:Pro. SHANGGUAN Wenfeng

     The Research Center for Future Science and Technology was founded in 2013 in Graduate School of Engineering at Nagasaki University, with the objective of creating novel knowledge as well as developing advanced technology to meet the challenge of the next generation through strong collaboration with external researchers and engineers.  The center is actively promoting the collaboration between industries, academics and the government towards the construction of a strong research and development base that contributes to development both regionally and globally.  A representative related-research project of “Materials Science for Next-Generation Energy”, which was selected by the President and headquarters as a Priority Research of Nagasaki University, will be introduced here.

    Today, we are facing a severe challenge-global warming and climate change due to the consumption of fossil fuels for energy.  The greenhouse gas emissions are mainly derived from the transportation sector and electricity power generation.  Therefore, a global solution must involve a dramatic move to renewable energy.  The research project highlights the development of innovative energy devices such as high power and energy batteries and new CO2 reduction and transformation technologies on the basis of materials science.  Here I will focus on recent nanostructure-controlled electrode materials of capacitors and Li-ion batteries from the aspects of enhancement of electrochemical charge-discharge properties. In addition, I will refer to a newly developed Na-ion battery because urgent concerns over lithium sources have focused recent attention on Na-ion batteries owing to the abundance and low cost of sodium.  

        • Graduated from Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University in1986 
        • Obtained M.S. from Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University in 1988 
        • Obtained Dr. (Engineering), from Nagasaki University in 1996 
        Professional Carrier: 
        • 1988: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University 
        • 1999: Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University 

        • 2004: Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nagasaki University 
        • 2006: Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University 
        • 2011−to date: Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki University 
        • 2013−to date: Vice Dean, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki University 
         • 2013−to date: Director, Research Center for Future Science and Technology 

Research field: 
        Electrochemistry, Solid State Ionics, Colloids and Interface Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Ceramic Chemistry, Adsorption Chemistry, Catalytic Chemistry Development of Nanomaterials for Energy Devices


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