SPEAKER: Professor John Sullivan
School of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Purdue University
TOPIC:The State of the art of Pressure and Temperature Sensitive Paint
TIME:9:30-11:00am, June 9 (Wednesday), 2010
VENUE:F310, Mechanical Building A
B. S., University of Rochester, Mechanical & Aerospace Sciences, 1967
M. S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Aeronautical Engineering, 1969
Sc.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Aeronautical Engineering, 1973
Experimental aerodynamics
Laser instrumentation
Luminescent sensors for temperature and pressure measurements
Research Areas
1. Pressure and Temperature Sensitive Paint.
2. High lift systems.
3. Suction/blowing airfoils.
4. Developing laser instrumentation (laser Doppler velocimeter, particle image velocimeter, laser sheet concentration, etc.) and pressure and temperature paint for: Wind tunnels - low speed to hypersonic, Gas turbine engines, Flight tests.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai