Time: 9:00am-12:20am, May 11
Venue: F210, Mechanical Building A
Presentation Topics:
1. Study on Transient Critical Heat Fluxes Associated with Nuclear Reactor Safety
Prof. Katsuya Fukuda
2. Forced Convection Film Boiling Heat Transfer
Prof. Qiusheng LIU
3. Research of Alternative Fuels in Diesel Engines
Associate Prof. Tomohisa Dan
4. Fuel Injection for Internal Combustion Engine
Associate Prof. Akira Sou
5. Study on the determination of radioactive waste based on gamma scanning method
Prof. Dezhong WANG
6. Flow and heat transfer in a pin fin-dimpled channel for the cooling application of gas turbine blade
Prof. Yu RAO
7. Performance of Compression Ignition Engine Fueled with Bio-ethanol/Diesel Mixture
Prof. Wugao ZHANG
8. Alcohol Fuel Sprays for SIDI Engines
Prof. Yuyin ZHANG
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai