
Experiments of He II Cavitation Flow
Posted by:     Time:2009-03-20

Date: 23th March, 2009                        Time: 18:00-20:00
Venue: Room F210, Mechanical Building          

By Prof. Masahide Murakami
Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Japan

Presentation Title: 

1.  Experiments of He II Cavitation Flow
2.  Measurement of Turbulent He II Flow by use of PIV

Prof. MURAKAMI Masahide graduated from University of Tokyo in 1969, and obtained Ph. D degree in aeronautics from University of Tokyo in 1974.  After working at NASA Ames Research Center, USA, as a National Research Council Research Associate, he was appointed to the lecturer of the Institute of Space and Astronautical Sciences, University of Tokyo in 1976.  He was promoted as the associate professor in 1984 and the professor of Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering in 1995 at University of Tsukuba.  Prof. Murakami was appointed as the dean of College of Engineering Systems, University of Tsukuba in 2002-2004.  His major contributions are superfluid thermo-fluid dynamics, space cryogenics, thermal system of space crafts, sports engineering and heat pipes.  He has published about 190 journal papers and has been an author or a coauthor of ten books related to the above topics.  

Prof. Murakami is the international advisory editor of Cryogenics since1991, and served as the associate editor of Fluid Dynamics Research. (1994-2001). He was awarded the Oyama Award (best paper award of the Cryogenic Association of Japan) in 1996, Russel B. Scott Memorial Awards (best research paper at Cryogenic Engineering Conference) in 2003, Best Paper Awards of Space Cryogenic Workshop 2001 and 2003, and Academic Achievement Prize of the Cryogenic Association of Japan in 2006. 

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