Notice on Semester Registration and Course Arrangement of Senior Graduate Students in 2024 Fall Semester

Dear graduate students,

Please check the Semester Registration and Course Arrangement of Graduate Students for the 2024-2025 Fall Semester as follows.


1. Date and venue for semester registration and course start date

Time: Sep.18th, 2024

Venue: My SJTU (http://my.sjtu.edu.cn, on smartphone, it is 交我办App).For full-time students, please complete your registration on the SJTU campus. In case you cannot proceed with the online registration, please go to ME A102 to complete the registration within the prescribed period.

Courses starting date: Courses start from Sep.23th, 2024.


2. Registration requirement

All graduate students are required to complete the semester registration within the prescribed registration period.

1) Tuition and fees payment

For those who need to pay the tuition and/or other fees, please make the payment before the registration..Online payment website: http://apply.sjtu.edu.cn.

2) Students to graduate in March

Students who are expected to graduate on/before September 30th, 2024 are exempted from the semester registration. While those who cannot graduate on schedule should apply for extending their study duration at My SJTU (https://my.sjtu.edu.cn) or交我办APP and register online as stated in Section 1.

3) Students on suspension of schooling or resuming of schooling

Student whose current status is “suspension of schooling” does not need to register.

Students who need to apply for resuming schooling (at My SJTU or Task Center/交我办APP) should complete the resuming schooling procedure first, and then complete the online semester registration.


3. Course Selection and Exam Retaking

       1)      Please check your Graduate Education Information Management System (http://yjs.sjtu.edu.cn/) online for course arrangements. Check your grades if GPA is over 2.7 and if you need to apply for retaking any exams.

  a) Time for personal training plan adjustment:

       From 9:00am Sep 19th, 2024 to 20:00pm Sep 29th, 2024, Beijing time.

  b) Time for Course retake/re-examination applications:

       From 9:00am Sep 19th, 2024 to 20:00pm Sep 27th, 2024, Beijing time.

  c) Time for courses enrollment:

       From 12:00am Sep 20th, 2024 to 20:00pm Sep 29th, 2024, Beijing time.

The specific time shall be subject to the notice of the graduate school or course selection system. Students in need should please log in http://yjs.sjtu.edu.cn in time to apply. After the application for retaking is approved, be sure to enter the retake course selection interface and choose the teaching class! The cumulative number of re-examinations for the same course cannot exceed 2 times. It is not allowed to change courses that have been completed (including courses that grades hasn’t been given) in the training program.


4. Contacts



M.S student of 2024/2022

Ms. Qianru PANG, pqr163163@sjtu.edu.cn

M.S student of 2023/2021/2020

Ms. Yijin HAO, haoyijin@sjtu.edu.cn

Ph.D student of 2023/2020/2019

Ms. Jenny ZHANG, jiezhang95@sjtu.edu.cn

Ph.D student of 2024/2022/2021/2018

Ms. Kaili HUANG, huangkaili99@163.com




Graduate Academic Affairs Office

School of Mechanical Engineering

July, 2024

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