

2023-2024 学年春季学期研究生课程将于2月19 日(校历2024春第一周周一)正式上课,现就春季学期课程补退选工作通知如下:

一、 培养计划修改开放时间

2024 年 2 月 15 日 12:00-3 月 1 日 20:00

二、 重修申请开放时间

2024 年 2 月 15 日 12:00-2 月 29 日 20:00


2024 年 2 月 19 日 12:00-3 月 1 日 20:00


1. 需要调整个人培养计划、补退选课程的同学,请在上述时间段内登录研究生应用管理平台(http://yjs.sjtu.edu.cn)进行操作。

2. 需要重修重考的同学,请在系统开放后尽早提交重修申请,并在审核通过后进入选课系统“重修选课”界面完成重修选课。

3. 除上述选课开放时段外,不可进行选课、退课。

4. 2 月 26 日起,各开课院(系)将对选课人数较少的课程进行调整,对达不到规定人数 的教学班将进行合并或取消,请同学们在2月28日起及时登录系统查询并确认个人课表。被取消开课的教学班的选课结果也将同时被删除,请相关同学及时调整个人培养计 划及所选课程(也需在上述时间段内完成)。

5. 任课教师将在 CANVAS(https://oc.sjtu.edu.cn/)系统上发布课程的相关信息和要求,请同学们密切关注。

Notice on Graduate Courses Adding and Dropping for 2023-2024 Spring Semester

Dear graduate students, The postgraduate courses in 2023-2024 spring semester will be officially started on February 19 th (the first Monday of the spring 2024 school calendar). The course enrollment arrangements are as follows:

1-Time for personal training plan adjustment

From 12:00am Feb 15 th, 2024 to 20:00pm Mar 1 st, 2024

2-Time for Course retake/re-examination applications

From 12:00am Feb 15 th, 2024 to 20:00pm Feb 29th, 2024

3-Time for courses enrollment

From 12:00am Feb 19 th, 2024 to 20:00pm Mar 1 st, 2024


(1) For students who need to adjust their personal training plans, add and/or drop graduate courses for 2023-2024 spring semester, please login the graduate education information management system during the period.

(2) Students who need to apply course retake/re-examination applications, please submit your application as soon as the system opens. Once the course retake/re-examination applications are approved, students have to enroll their classes in the course retaking page in the system.

(3) Beyond these periods, courses adding and dropping will be not allowed.

(4) From Feb.26 th, department will check the course applications number and make adjustments accordingly. For those courses that enrollment number is less than our requirement, they will be merged or cancelled. So please login the system to check and confirm your schedule from Feb 28 th , and adjust your course study arrangement if necessary.

(5) Course learning materials will be published in CANVAS (https://oc.sjtu.edu.cn/). Students are required to pay close attention to relevant information provided in CANVAS.

(6) For the Chinese elective course notification for international students, please see the attachment.


Attachment:Registration for Graduate Chinese Elective Course for International Graduate Students for Spring Semester

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